Walking down the roads of Bangalore, the 22-year old Gaurav Jain saw a place bustling with young boys and girls holding big files. And on enquiring, a boy standing at the end of the queue replies, "This is a walk-in offer for a job for freshers, but I may not get a chance for this walk-in due the huge crowd and less time for interviewers." And having been stimulated with the struggling lives of these job seekers, Jain came up with an idea of YuvaJobs.com, an online platform which not only provides job information to freshers, but also for the experienced candidates.
Founded in 2004, Bangalore-based, YuvaJobs is an entrepreneurial venture by an Indian Senior Web Designer Gaurav Jain. He has also been its Chairman since its inception. A Post-graduate in Information Technology from the Technical University of Punjab, Jain had stints at a U.S. based web development company for one and a half year. Under his direction, the Yuva Group has expanded regionally. Having an envision to become one of the leading Internet recruitment websites in the Asia-Pacific, YuvaJobs.com is revolutionizing the way recruitment is done today. Now, it is a forum where employers, placement agencies and job seekers can exchange information, quickly, effectively and inexpensively. Besides providing job information to the job seekers, the portal also provides all papers and articles needed for interview, questions for HR and technical and aptitude questions and many more. It is a common platform where corporate recruiters and freshers come under one roof. "I started off the website by providing a small interface and some job information. Then I started learning ASP using online tutorials and started implementing the portal," says Jain.
Confident and unshakable Jain claims that it is a one stop information clearing house about jobs and careers for Indians. According to the company, job seekers can advertise for a job, search for a job, place your home page, visit employers' home pages and also visit other Indian and International career sites. In order to keep the portal updated with the job offers, Jain and his dedicated team has integrated several technologies like resume submission system, resume search, job search in different ways and many more to lay a bridge for better communication between freshers or job seekers and employers, where they can work together. "Strong technical and business teams will be deployed to further develop the market and orient it towards job requirements in the market. All our categories have been designed keeping the users in the mind and the specific problems they face," asserts Jain.
However, it was never an easy expedition for Jain and his team to carve out a stand out position for the company in the market. "In the initial days, I did marketing myself by going to colleges and distributing pamphlets and different kind of promotions alone. And after two years in 2006, I open my small office and recruit two freshers to work on marketing and both were freshers," recalls Jain. But with an aim to fan its wings in the market, Jain updated his team and himself on the growing technology, and then further implemented new innovative features for job seekers and employers.
Growing day by day in just five plus years, the company has got over 300000 resumes and also more than about 3000 registered employers. Today, YuvaJobs.com has now managed to establish a convincing position in the market to do any kind of direct placements. "And now we have almost five big portals in our network," asserts Jain. Looking forward to leverage its business and get closer to customers, the passionate YuvaJobs.com is all set to become the most dynamic company in enhancing job opportunities the country.
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