Syllabus of mba iind semester according to Kurukshetra
Management science ( Operation and research)
Marketing management
Human resource management
Financial management
Business research methodology
Production and operation management
Management science
Ø Basic concept and its role in decision making
Ø Linear programming, meaning, scope and assumption.
Ø Formulation linear programming problem and solution by graphical and simplex method.
Ø Some special cases like degeneracy
Ø Unbounded ness
Ø Infeasibility and multiple optimal solution.
Ø Sensitivity analysis.
Ø Integer programming.
Ø Goal programming.
Ø Dynamic programming and non- linear programming.
Ø Transportation and assignment models including.
Ø Transshipment and routing problems.
Ø Some special cases like minimization
Ø Unbalanced problems
Ø Degeneracy in transportation models.
Ø Queuing theory
Ø Inventory management techniques
Ø Decision theory and decision trees.
Ø Game theory and stimulation.
Marketing management
Ø Nature, scope, concept of marketing management.
Ø Corporate orientation towards the market place.
Ø The marketing environment and environment scanning.
Ø Marketing information system and marketing research.
Ø Understanding consumer and industrial markets.
Ø Market segmentation.
Ø Targeting and positioning
Ø Product decision and product mix
Ø Product life cycle
Ø New product development
Ø Branding, packaging decisions
Ø Pricing methods and strategies.
Ø Promotion decision and promotion mix
Ø Advertisement
Ø Sales promotion
Ø Publicity and personal selling
Ø Channel management, types and functions, selection
Ø Cooperation and conflict management
Ø Vertical marketing implementation and system
Ø Marketing logistics
Ø Organizing and implementating marketing in organization.
Ø Evaluation and control of management efforts.
Ø Ethics in marketing
Ø New issue in marketing
Ø Globalization, consumerism, green marketing, direct marketing, network marketing, event marketing.
Human resource management
Ø Concepts and perspectives on
Ø h.r.m in changing environment
Ø corporate objectives and h.r. planning
Ø carrer and succession planning
Ø job analysis
Ø methods of manpower research
Ø Attracting, selecting and retaining h.r.
Ø Induction and socialization
Ø Manpower training and development
Ø Performance appraisal and potential evaluation
Ø Job evaluation and compensation
Ø Employee welfare
Ø Industrial relation and trade unions
Ø Dispute resolution and grievance management
Ø Employee empowerment.
Financial management
Ø Introduction to financial management
Ø Objectives of financial management
Ø Time value of money
Ø Source of finance
Ø Investment decision
Ø Importance
Ø Difficulties determining the cash flows
Ø Methods of capital budgeting
Ø Risk analysis
Ø Cost of capital, concept and importance
Ø Computation of cost of various sources of finance
Ø Weighted average cost of capital
Ø Capital structure decision
Ø Theories of capital structure
Ø Factors determining capital structure
Ø Optimum capital structure
Ø Management of working capital
Ø Cash, receivable and inventory management, internal financing and dividend policy, financial modeling.
Business research methodology
Ø Nature and scope of r.m.
Ø Problem formulation and statement of research objectives.
Ø Value and cost of information
Ø Bayesian decision theory
Ø Research process, design
Ø Exploratory
Ø Descriptive and experimental
Ø Method of data collection
Ø Observation and survey method
Ø Questionnaire and interviews
Ø Attitude measurement techniques
Ø Administration of surveys
Ø Sample design
Ø Selecting appropriate statistical technique
Ø Field work and tabulation of data
Ø Analysis of data
Ø Use of spss and statistical software packages
Ø Advance techniques for data analysis ANOVA
Ø Discriminant analysis
Ø Factor analysis
Ø Conjoint analysis and clustering methods
Production and operational management
Ø Nature, scope of p.o.m
Ø Facility location
Ø Types of manufacturing systems and layouts
Ø Layout planning and analysis
Ø Material handling
Ø Principle and equipment
Ø Line balancing
Ø Production planning and control in mass production
Ø Batch or job order manufacturing
Ø Capacity planning
Ø Product planning and selection
Ø Process of planning
Ø Aggregate planning and master production scheduling
Ø Maintenance management
Ø Work study
Ø (a)Method study, work measurement
Ø Material management, overview of material management
Ø Material requirement planning and inventory control
Ø Purchase management
Ø Stores management
Ø Quality assurance
Ø Acceptance sampling
Ø Standard quality control
Ø Total quality measurement
Electronic commerce
Ø Introduction to e commerce
Ø Framework
Ø Applications
Ø Network infrastructure (including internet)
Ø Internet commercialization
Ø Electronic payment system
Ø Inter organizational commerce
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